Vocabulary and Speaking

Duration: 10 hours (2 weeks)
Days: 1 day on, 1 day off
Time: 09:30 to 11:30
Location: FCC or MLC 
Start Date: 26th January 2025
Level: A2 and above

This is a brand-new course for Majnoon. It comes from getting feedback from our students and staff in the field. We’ll keep the first course short – just 10 hours. If it is a success, we will extend future courses.

Every lesson students will be presented with 7-10 words on a topic. At the end of each lesson, they will be able to:
1. Spell the words
2. Pronounce words
3. Understand the meaning of the words
4. Explain the meaning of the words
5. Use the words in 2 written sentences
6. Use the words in dialogue and conversation
At the end of the 2-week course the students will have a word bank of 35-50 words that they can use in their work and daily life.
Please use the link below to see an example of the type of lesson material we’ll use.

Lesson Example

Vocabulary and Speaking
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