English for Emails

Duration: 20 hours (4 weeks)
Days: 1 day on, 1 day off
Time: 09:30 to 11:30
Location: FCC or MLC 
Start Date: 1st December 2024
Level: A2 and above

English for Emails is designed for people who struggle to write emails in English at work.

This course focuses on a number of key areas and will help to develop:

  • techniques and strategies for writing and replying to emails quickly and efficiently in the workplace
  • ways of communicating appropriately and effectively via email
  • the content, register, language, style and format of your emails
  • the language used to request actions, determine formality and exchange information

Time will be spent throughout the course in the computer lab, practising email writing in ‘real-life’.  By the end of the course, you should see a distinct improvement in the emails you write, in terms of content, style and layout.

English for Emails
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