Duration: 10 hours (2 weeks) Days: 1 day on, 1 day off Time: 09:30 to 11:30 Location: FCC or MLC Start Date: 26th January 2025 Level: A2 and above
This is a brand-new course for Majnoon. It comes from getting feedback from our students and staff in the field. We’ll keep the first course short – just 10 hours. If it is a success, we will extend future courses.
Every lesson students will be presented with 7-10 words on a topic. At the end of each lesson, they will be able to:
1. Spell the words
2. Pronounce words
3. Understand the meaning of the words
4. Explain the meaning of the words
5. Use the words in 2 written sentences
6. Use the words in dialogue and conversation
At the end of the 2-week course the students will have a word bank of 35-50 words that they can use in their work and daily life.
Please use the link below to see an example of the type of lesson material we’ll use.